Frequently Asked Questions

About Surrogacy

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a fertility treatment in which a woman (known as a surrogate or gestational carrier) carries and delivers a baby for another individual or couple. It is often used when the intended parents either can’t carry a baby to term due to medical issues, or if they are single and don’t have a partner who can carry their child. In surrogacy arrangements, the surrogate contracts with the intended parents to carry their child until birth. The surrogate will be legally responsible for the child until it is handed over to the intended parent(s).

The process of surrogacy usually involves in vitro fertilization (IVF), where embryos created using the intended parents’ sperm and egg are transferred into the uterus of the surrogate. The method of IVF used in surrogacy can help determine whether genetic material from both parents will be able to contribute to the creation of an embryo, allowing for shared parenthood. Once conception has been achieved, it's just like a normal pregnancy — with regular appointments, ultrasounds and other prenatal care — up until delivery. After birth, legal paperwork is completed transferring parental rights from the surrogate to the intended parents. 

In traditional surrogacy, also known as “straight” or “partial” surrogacy, an egg from either an intended mother or donor is artificially inseminated with sperm from an intended father or donor. The surrogate then carries and delivers the baby for them after nine months of pregnancy. This path does not require any genetic ties between the surrogate mother and baby she carries but may lead to additional legal proceedings that must take place before conception can occur. In gestational surrogacy — sometimes referred to as “host” or “full” surrogacy — eggs from either an intended mother or donor are combined with sperm from an intended father or donor through IVF treatment in order to create embryos.

One or more embryos are then transferred into the uterus of a gestational carrier who has no biological connection with the resulting baby but agrees to carry it through pregnancy and childbirth on behalf of others intending parent(s). With gestational surrogacy, complex legal issues must be discussed prior to starting any type of medical procedure in order to ensure that parental rights are clearly established beforehand which avoids any potential future conflict. Overall, Surrogacy provides couples and individuals around world who cannot conceive pregnancies on their own with access to having children that they would not otherwise have had access too. Through this process individuals can finally experience what it means to become parents while carrying out their dreams of creating families despite medical circumstances that might make those dreams impossible without Surrogacy.

Soul Conception can help you navigate this entire process…book a free consult with us today by clicking here.

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Who can be a surrogate?

In order to become a surrogate, individuals must meet certain qualifications in terms of health and lifestyle. Generally, most surrogacy agencies require potential surrogates to: 

Be at least 21 years old

Have had at least one successful pregnancy

Have a healthy body mass index (BMI) indicating a healthy weight range.

Not smoke

Have a healthy lifestyle without any underlying medical conditions that could complicate the pregnancy.

Live in an area where surrogacy is legally allowed and accepted.

With that said, many agencies prioritize making sure those who wish to be surrogates are mentally prepared for the emotional journey of carrying a baby for someone else’s family by providing mental health screenings and counseling sessions before any contract can be signed between the surrogate and intended parents.

Soul Conception can help you navigate this entire process…book a free consult with us today by clicking here.

How do I become a surrogate?

Becoming a surrogate can seem daunting but is a very rewarding experience for those who are able to do so.

It is important that all parties involved seek professional advice from fertility clinics or legal specialists prior to signing agreements regarding finances so everyone is aware of their rights going into the arrangement. Before engaging in any medical procedures associated with surrogacy it is important for all parties involved to understand the consequences of this type of arrangement and make sure that everyone is on the same page in terms of expectations and responsibilities associated with carrying someone else’s baby. This might include discussing topics such as parental rights and obligations; financial compensation; travel restrictions during pregnancy; genetic testing; communication among both parties; prenatal care; gestational limits; post-birth plans; and emotional support throughout the process.

Many agencies prioritize making sure those who wish to be surrogates are mentally prepared for the emotional journey of carrying a baby for someone else’s family by providing mental health screenings and counseling sessions before any contract can be signed between the surrogate and intended parents. Surrogacy can often be expensive for everyone involved but fortunately there are organizations that offer financial compensation for those who serve as surrogates in order to help defray costs related to carrying another person’s child through pregnancy and delivery. This might include payment for medical expenses incurred during the process such as specialized prenatal care visits or lost wages from missing work due to appointments or needed bed rest during pregnancy. For those interested in becoming a surrogate mother it is essential that they research different types of surrogacy arrangements available including gestational vs traditional forms, as well as different agencies offering services related to these arrangements. Additionally researching state laws regarding surrogacies could prove helpful before beginning this journey so that individuals are aware of their rights both legally and financially while participating in this process. Ultimately being a surrogate requires dedication both physically and emotionally but can provide immeasurable rewards for entire families involved resulting in something truly wonderful - creating life!

Soul Conception can help you navigate this entire process…book a free consult with us today by clicking here.

How much does a surrogate get paid?

The compensation for surrogates can vary depending on the type of surrogacy arrangement, the country/state in which it took place, and if any complications arose during pregnancy. Generally speaking, surrogates can expect to be compensated with a base fee ranging from $15,000 USD.

This base fee is often broken down into smaller payments throughout the process with the first payment being received once a successful medical screening has been completed and a signed contract is in place. In addition to the base fee, many agencies will also provide additional compensation to cover expenses related to carrying another person’s child including medical bills, lost wages due to appointments or bed rest orders during pregnancy, childcare during appointments or needed bed rest, travel related costs for both parties if necessary (i.e. for egg donor), and other miscellaneous items such as maternity clothes or necessary supplements/vitamins during pregnancy. 

In some cases legal fees may also be included in the compensation paid out to surrogates. Surrogacy agencies will typically discuss compensation amounts prior to entering into an agreement so that potential surrogates are aware of what they can expect financially throughout the process. In some cases there may also be additional compensation awarded if certain milestones are met such as carrying multiples or successfully completing tests related to prenatal care.

In addition to financial compensation, many surrogate mothers find great satisfaction in helping another family grow through their experience of carrying a baby for them. While the physical and emotional toll of gestational surrogacy can be daunting at times, these rewards are often immeasurable and create something truly wonderful - creating life!

Soul Conception can help you navigate this entire process…book a free consult with us today by clicking here.

How do I find a surrogate?

Finding a qualified surrogate can be a challenge, but with proper research and due diligence, it is possible to find the perfect fit for all parties involved. At Soul Conception, we specialize in helping you find a surrogate. We create a profile outlining your desired criteria for a surrogate mother, including age, experience level, and any other qualifications you may want to consider. We will then work with you to identify potential candidates who meet your criteria and arrange interviews. It’s important to ask each potential candidate questions about their history and experience as a surrogate mother so that you can get an accurate understanding of their qualifications before making any decisions.

During these interviews it’s also important to discuss expectations around compensation, legal rights/responsibilities, and any other issues that could arise during the pregnancy or delivery process. Once you have identified one or more suitable candidates, it’s important to arrange mental health screenings and counseling sessions before allowing them to begin the process.

During these sessions it’s important for both parties involved (the intended parents and surrogate) to make sure they are comfortable with each other and understand the emotional journey they are embarking on together. It is always important for both parties involved (intended parents and surrogate) to take all necessary steps (including appropriate legal measures) before beginning this life-changing journey together.

Soul Conception can help you navigate this entire process…book a free consult with us today by clicking here.

What are the benefits of surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a highly beneficial option for couples who are unable to conceive and carry a child of their own, as it provides them with the opportunity to still experience the joys of parenthood. The primary benefit of surrogacy lies in the fact that both parties involved – the intended parents and surrogate mother – can create something beautiful together while also ensuring that the baby is born into a loving home. For intended parents, surrogacy offers the chance to bring a bundle of joy into their lives without having to go through all of the worries associated with infertility or adoption.

Furthermore, it allows intended parents to have a direct involvement in every step of the process - from choosing an egg donor and selecting a surrogate, to participating in medical visits and making decisions regarding prenatal care. This way they can feel more connected to their baby from day one, no matter how far away they may be from their physical birth. For surrogate mothers, surrogacy brings with it numerous benefits that are often overlooked or undervalued. Not only does it provide her with financial compensation for her time and effort during pregnancy, but she also gets to experience firsthand what it’s like to personally help another couple achieve their dreams of becoming parents - something that many women find incredibly rewarding.

Surrogates also have access to free medical care throughout the process and can receive emotional support if needed. Furthermore, surrogacy is beneficial not only for those directly involved but also for society as a whole; helping families grow faster by providing children to those who may not otherwise be able to have them. It helps bridge gaps between different walks of life, bringing together people from varying backgrounds who can now share an incredible connection over this shared experience. Additionally, this method helps reduce costs associated with adoption and allows more people access to more resources when considering family building options - all without sacrificing safety or security measures throughout any part of this process!

Soul Conception can help you navigate this entire process…book a free consult with us today by clicking here.


Acceso a numero 1, 63734 Punta de Mita, Nay., Mexico


Acceso to Punta Mita #1.

Bahía de Banderas.

Nayarit. México.

Phone Number:

+1 (619) 815-4517


Assistance Hours

Mon – Fri 9:00am – 17hrs

Sat & Sun – CLOSED

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Office: Punta Mita Fertility Clinic - Soul Conception.

Call +1 (619) 815-4517



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